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Supporting our employees as lockdown relaxes

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7 May 2020

Written by
Shalini Kotecha

bury has been ‘Remote First’ for nearly 2 months and we have been monitoring how our employees have been feeling since the very beginning through a weekly pulse survey.

We use the results to understand the upsides and downsides from the week, so that we can continuously implement new initiatives to further support our employees.

In the last 2 weeks, we have seen an increase in comments from certain countries about ‘lockdown relaxing’, with some employees excited about the opportunity to return to the office while others wish to continue with remote working.

There are several things we are doing to ensure the best interests of our colleagues and the wider community:

  • We understand that many of our Eburians may be anxious about returning to the office (e.g. to avoid public-transport, health concerns, looking after family).
    • As such, we will continue to be remote-first during the pandemic and going back to the office currently remains optional in all countries
  • We think it is important to get a view of how many employees prefer to work in the office so that we can plan and implement adequate health & safety measures.
    • As such, we have sent a questionnaire to all employees to understand how many people would prefer to return to the office and how often (e.g. full-time, part-time, ad-hoc or not at all)
    • The responses will be used for planning purposes, and employees can change their mind at any point
  • A key part of the planning is to ensure that all offices have adequate health & safety measures in place. Examples include:
    • Social distancing (e.g. restricting use or closure of communal areas in the office)
    • Supporting with the spreading of seating arrangements (e.g. moving computers & equipment where needed)
    • Purchasing health & safety protective equipment for offices (e.g. gloves, face-marks, hand-sanitiser etc.)
    • Liaising with local cleaning companies to ensure offices are cleaned more regularly
    • Preparing communications and reminders to encourage employees to avoid public transport and travelling at peak times where possible (e.g. walk & cycle) and adhering to hygiene standards (e.g. washing hands regularly)

Ebury will continue to follow the guidance and recommendations of governments and health agencies, and ensure we are doing everything we can to protect our employees and the wider community.